Acupoints To Brighten Your Eyes
Do you often experience symptoms of dry eyes and blurry vision? Here are 4 acupoints to brighten your vision and eyes!
First point: UB 1 (Jingming)
Location: 0.1 cun Superior to the inner canthus
Method: Gently but firmly apply pressure on the acupoint while relaxing your eyes.
Second point: UB 2 (Zanzhu)
Location: On the medial extremity of the eyebrow, in the supraorbital notch
Method: Gently but firmly apply pressure on the acupoint while relaxing your eyes.
Third point: Yu Yao
Location: In the middle of the eyebrow
Method: Gently but firmly apply pressure on the acupoint while relaxing your eyes.
Fourth point: SJ 23 (Sizhukong)
Location: At the lateral end of the eyebrow
Method: Gently but firmly apply pressure on the acupoint while relaxing your eyes.
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These 4 amazing acupoints can help relax your eyes, brighten your vision, and decrease eye pressure. It can help prevent stress caused by sustained use of the eyes. You can select all or whichever acupoint you feel most comfortable. Simply massage these acupoints daily while you relax at home or whenever you take a break. These acupoints can help protect, improve, and brighten your vision. Let’s be honest, who isn’t guilty of overusing our eyes, right? We’re all so attached to those darn tech devices known to cause eye strain. They all say, the eyes are the windows into our souls. So let’s take good care of them; starting with this simple and easy method. It’s FREE! Who doesn’t like that?!